Re: Relationship between husband and wife. Rug for legs or beloved?
id: 289190
Dear Oksy,

I kiss you on the cheek!
I hope you're well!
Thank you so much for this interesting post!
As written, in English, I had difficulty understanding what was written; maybe the translation was not very good.
I have then rewritten your post (below), in a way that I find understandable, taking much care to try to remain true to what I think you meant to express.
In such a case, what you could do is first offer the text in its original form (maybe in Russian), and then in its translated form (in English); with both versions, we could probably get a better idea of what you meant to express.

"Quite often, it happens that one spouse loves more than the other.
Gradually, the woman, who loves her husband more than he loves her, begins to notice that her efforts aren't really appreciated.
She breaks down, only in order to prove her love. (I'm not sure I understand well, here. You seem to be saying that she submits to the man, in order to prove her love.)
And gradually the feeling of love begins to dissolve in the household chores.
If attention is not paid in time, everything will go just according to the script.
The wife begins to serve her husband, and her husband treats her worse and worse, every day.
If he gets used to the fact that his wife has evolved from a subject of adoration to a maid, how will he treat her?
In a quite dismissive way.
How else can you treat a woman who loses her dignity, and doesn't want to defend her rights?
In couples, there is often a situation where the men aggressively require the women to serve.
All work in the house, in his view, is imposed only on the woman, because she is the wife, and the wife is obliged:
to wash, to clean, to cook, to go shopping, to burst. (To burst: I don't understand well, here.)
The husband somehow doesn't have to do those chores - in his narcissistic view.
In the end, the woman works on one, and sometimes two jobs, and then instead of relaxing at home, sticks else FREE housewife. (Sticks else FREE housewife: I don't understand well, here.)
I emphasize free because actually paid for it, is the post-care housing. (I don't understand well this sentence.)
Why are our men so lazy that they do not want to invest in the family?
According to the laws of the family, with state positions, the duty of men and women for the care of the joint housing are equal. (I'm not sure I understand well what you mean by "with state positions".)
Where are the consciences of men?
And where are the honour and pride of our wives, who do not respect themselves, so that they suffer in silence while you can, and then - there are quarrels, scandals, divorces.. (I don't understand well what you mean by "while you can".)
I always wanted to know the opinion of foreign men on this issue.
Are all men after marriage treating their wives like servants?
What do you think about this?"

Based on what I understand, on what I think you meant to express, it seems like, despite the fact that, in Ukraine, according to the laws of the family, the duty of men and women for the care of the joint housing are supposed to be equal, in reality, they're not at all equal. The laws of the family would then be sort of an ideal, sort of wishful thinking, that doesn't seem to translate into the reality of the everyday life of many couples, where it seems it's the women who do most household chores. What's important is not so much the laws of the family, in Ukraine, but the mentalities of women and men, in Ukraine. Usually, the laws of the family should reflect the mentalities of women and men, not the other way around. So, here, if we want the laws of the family, as they are, to really apply, to have force, it looks like mentalities should be changed, particularly men's mentalities.
In many Western societies, many women have fought hard, and for a long time (and still fight hard), to have their rights recognized. Many of our societies are patriarchal, which means social organizations marked by the supremacy of the father in the clan or family, the legal dependence of wives and children, and the reckoning of descent and inheritance in the male line; broadly, it means control by men of a disproportionately large share of power. Since this state of affairs has been like this for a long time, it isn't easy to change, but that's no good reason not to try to change it, since the stakes for women are high.
Women, in sufficient numbers, should first be quite convinced that this state of affairs is unjust for them, and should be changed, so that they can effectively have somewhat equal rights to those of men.
To do that, they will have to make the efforts, to take the time to convince many men that it is in men's long term interest too that it be so. Women can expect to meet stiff resistance; many men will defend their disproportionately large share of power, putting forth all sorts of more or less valuable arguments, even using force, at times. Only when they'll realize, understand that, though it may seem at first paradoxical, when women's rights are recognized as fully as possible, they too win in the long term. Women whose rights are recognized as fully as possible are not only better citizens, but also better partners, wives. Women and men all win.
If women in Ukraine have difficulty getting their rights recognized, respected, they could ask for help from women in countries where women's rights fare quite well.
For women to get heir rights recognized, respected is no easy task; it's a long term difficult task, but most women find that it's well worth it.
From the moment men start to realize that the current state of affairs is bad, unfair for women, and that what's bad, unfair for women isn't in men's long term interest, men will then start to help women get rights that are somewhat equal to their rights.

So, I humbly believe that the answer to "Relationship between husband and wife. Rug for legs or beloved?" is beloved, definitely not rug for legs.
I wish you all, women, to succeed in getting your rights recognized, respected as fully as possible, as soon as possible.
With much tenderness,