Hello everyone! today i made some tests and i would like you to try it also! Also i am not shy to include my result of the test! :) This self confidence test can help you determine whether or not you exhibit self confidence in your daily life. Are you interesrested? Knowing your self confidence level can help you see where you need to boost your self-esteem and where you need to practice being confident and assertive.
Dear, use the following test to score your self confidence level, and find out if you need to work on it. If you are very confident, be proud of yourself, and look for way to put that trait to good use. If not, consider doing self confidence building exercises and activities to boost yourself up and make you more comfortable in situations where self confidence is needed.
If you answer each statement with A, B or C, with A being 'agree', B standing for 'not sure' and C representing 'disagree'.
1. I enjoy learning new things and seek the opportunity to do so
2. I feel proud of work I do on a daily basis
3. I like myself, and feel that I am a nice person
4. Criticism doesn't bother me
5. I am good at many things
6. It doesn't matter if I win or lose, as long as I do my best
7. When I start something new, I am pretty sure I will succeed
8. I am independent, but can ask for help if needed
9. Being in a crowd doesn't bother me
10. I can speak to large groups of people with ease
11. I make friends easily
12. When things change, I adapt easily
Each 'A-agree' is worth 10 points. Each 'B-not sure' is worth 2 points. Each 'C-disagree' is minus 2 points.
If you scored 112 - 120, you are swimming in self confidence! Go get 'em, tiger! Be careful not to let your self confidence turn into arrogance, though. Ego can be a dangerous thing, so don't confuse it with self confidence.
If you scored anywhere from 80 to 112, you are a fairly self confident person. You might have a few hang-ups in certain situations (mull over any questions you didn't answer with 'agree' to see where your weak spots are.)
If you scored between 56 and 80, you have some issues you may need to work on. Consider taking some classes or doing exercises in self confidence to improve.
If you scored 56 or below on the self confidence quiz, you probably have self-esteem issues as well as self confidence issues - and they are probably linked. Working on one will help you with the other.
If you can share your result i will be very happy and maybe something will open your eyes on some problem or situation. who knows. Well, i am ready to pre open some of my results and what i got. On the question 1-A, 6-B, 7-B, 8-A, 12-A. my result was under 50 lol
I am sorry is that bad for example to ask some help when you really need it? What do you think?
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