MissPassion: I can't sleep - I am looking for happiness...
Okey, now is 2:03 and I know that tomorrow I have to get up very early
/may be even better to say already today/, but I can't stop thinking,
I can't stop imagine.
And sometimes it seems for me that I feel something. I imagine how I
will be with my second-half.
I don't see his face, but I feel how warm his hands are - I want him
to hold me and all I can do now is to hold the pillow...
3:14 Was I sleeping and saw him in a dream or I am getting crazy
already?! I don't know why I begin to belive in the story of my
ability become happy soon so fast.
I know that it was just a story of other lady, but when I was
listening to it then I saw in this story myself. I have to sleep...
5:18 Okey I can't wait any longer I will go to the laptop and will
just check - I will check if he is on-line, may be he is also alone
still and looking for me, may be today
is my day and I will meet him....
7:32 Nobody was interested to share real topics with me. Why? I am
here just for serious relations, but it seems men like crazy just ask
strange questions and don't want to
try to be open for feelings, for love. May be the reason is that I
didn't meet my man yet, may be I will meet him today? I need to go for
breakfast...Oh, so much deals...I have to hurry!
18:24 I just got home. Tired. All day long I was thinking about this
evening - may be today I will meet somebody special, somebody who will
like my eyes and who wish to meet
a lady which is looking for warmth?! I am sure today I will meet
him...But I am so tired, I have to sleep a little. But before I will
go sleep, I will call to teh agency and will again ask to
tell me the story of a lady which is already living with her dream
prince in USA. I adore to hear news about such couple - it helps me to
belive that my soul-mate is here...
20:21 I've just ended the conversation with the agency /they helped me
to registrated on this great site and I got some
news...That woman is pregnant. I am so happy to hear
that she is a winner - she got what she wanted - she got happiness.
I am dreaming...Okey stop...I can't waste time - I have just to go and
find my destiny, I have to find him, without warmth I can't sleep and
that is why I am looking for happiness....