Thoughts on love
id: 296704
Romantic love is the most important of all kinds of love. It is the most interesting; the one that fills us up and launches us into the heights of our art or lack thereof. Even when we think we are talking about something else, perhaps another type of love, we are still talking about romantic love. It's our tail if we were monkeys.

We always seek (romantic) love. When we enter the right age, we carry our inner mission to seek it in our classrooms, neighborhoods, offices, and everywhere else. We need it. We're always sniffing for it like dogs. The will is not enough to get love. You must be an agreeable person to get another person. Love is generally a celebration of life. One does not fall in love with a sick, dying and decaying person.

You must do your part to get love. "Working for it" is not as necessary as "doing something about it" Some people are luckier than others. They lift a finger and love comes pouring down from the sky like heavy rain. Other people could grow a farm full of red roses and love won't give a damn.

Love is ultimately indefinable because it is a personal, subjective, experience. There is no sacred table by which we can measure if we're already in love or not. We claim that we are in love. In a way, we decide when we are in love. Love, at its most basic level, is sexual. There must be a sense of physical attraction to support the most nuanced areas of love. Sexual attraction is a stepping stone to reach the most advanced levels of the emotion.

A person is only able to rise above the mere physical when in love because society enables him to explore other features of the object of his love. Thus, for example, he can afford to fall in love with someone who lacks beauty but who is intelligent because society needs that sort of love to be more productive. Society needs intelligent people as much as it needs beautiful people. Society needs different forms of love so that different people can all hope to reach their own kind of love. Variety in love is useful to society because not all people are beautiful.

Love always defies our expectations in that it is never how we imagine it to be.
