It's a pity that in Ukraine it's not like in other countries...
id: 10053895

. I never thought that this day would become so important for me, but this year it was incredibly interesting for me to watch how it is celebrated in different countries.

This year I watched how Fat Tuesday is celebrated in the USA by mass carnivals. In New Orleans, for example, everything around turns into a carnival extravaganza: people dress up in bright costumes, dance and, of course, eat the famous pancakes with filling. It's an amazing feeling to be a part of such a holiday, even if you only watch it from the outside, through photos or videos.

I saw how in Brazil they danced samba at a similar carnival celebration, and in Quebec they organized giant street parties with hot chocolates and pancakes. People walk, laugh, rejoice, because behind this holiday there is a special, almost magical feeling of freedom. That very moment when you can indulge in joy without restrictions, because you know: after this day comes the time for purification and repentance.

And now let's think a little about our reality. In Kyiv and in Ukraine in general, as it may sound, there is no such widespread celebration yet. Of course, you can find small events dedicated to holidays associated with Catholic traditions, but in scale and atmosphere they are much smaller. And, frankly, I am a little sad about this.

Maybe it is because we do not have such a vibrant carnival culture as in those countries where this day is almost like an excuse for the biggest treat of the year. Maybe we are a little used to other traditions, or maybe it is just because these holidays do not reach us at the same speed as changes in other countries.

But it seems to me that if Ukraine started celebrating Fat Tuesday on the same scale as in New Orleans or Rio, it would be a real holiday! Imagine streets filled with cheerful people who dress up in fantastic costumes, dance, enjoy life and, of course, eat their favorite sweets. Pancakes, pies, potatoes - anything! After all, on Fat Tuesday you don’t have to worry about calories. All this could become a real tradition.

And maybe one day this will happen in Ukraine too. Maybe someone will start organizing such carnivals, and people will truly enjoy this day to the fullest. I would gladly take part in such a holiday. But even if this does not happen yet, you can always come up with your own little traditions. Why not set the table and have fun with your family and friends? Even if not everyone can attend, you can send your friends greetings and create an atmosphere of joy - even in the simplest things.

Personally, I think that it is worth opening up to new traditions and bringing something bright and joyful into your life, like, for example, the same Fat Tuesday. Maybe someday this holiday will be as popular in Ukraine, and we will be able to truly feel all the magic that is hidden in this day.

And what do you think, wouldn't it be great for you to see this holiday here? Agree, such an atmosphere would definitely add joy to our everyday life.

With love and anticipation of joyful days ahead,
Lana Banana
