id: 10036173
Human feelings and emotions are so complex and multifaceted that they often give rise to a real storm, in which it is difficult to understand what is good and what is bad. For example, love is a pure and tender feeling that is associated with care, attention, caress, and worship. But next to love is often jealousy - a burning and obsessive feeling that causes anger, hatred, contempt, a sense of humiliation.

Jealousy can overshadow almost any relationship. But most of all it manifests itself when a person is very much in love. It is not necessary at all that the object of jealousy really gives rise to vile suspicions. Psychologists have devoted more than one study to jealousy. But no one will tell you clearly if jealousy is good or bad.

Jealousy of a man
In men, the priority is the physical faithfulness of women. In other words, usually a man lights up a "red signal" only when other people touch his woman. Conversations, smiles, flirt - all this is beyond the bounds of male perception and usually does not become a reason for his jealousy. But such trifles as giving a coat, candid look, handshake - all this can cause a serious scandal.
In order to decide whether jealousy in relationships is good or bad, it is necessary to pay attention to important psychological differences in the behavior of men and women. Men are much more sensitive to jealousy, because they are not inclined to the rapid expression of momentary feelings. Tension and rage accumulate in them from time to time until an explosion of grand power occurs.

Often men mistakenly assess the behavior of their chosen one and use jealousy where it is inappropriate. For example, the increased attention of a woman to her figure, appearance, make-up, some representatives of the strong half of mankind take for the desire to please someone specific, but not him. That is, if a woman takes care of herself, then she cheats. Sometimes women dress up for work, but on weekends they are not in a hurry to "expose beauty". This only confirms the suspicions of some husbands that the wife at work has a love affair. After all, on weekdays, she wants to be a beauty, and when she does not need to go to work, she does not think to dress herself up. Obviously, because there is no reason for this. In fact, a woman just wants to take a break from the daily marathon to bring beauty to be natural. Men in such situations can recommend the following: do not think about what is not. If your woman stays at the weekend with you, then this is exactly what she wants.

Jealousy of a woman
The causes of female jealousy often lie somewhat on a different level than the causes of the same feelings in men. But women are jealous no less than men.

Most often, women suffer from jealousy, not physically, but emotionally. That is, ladies begin to worry even when their man just looked or spoke with another woman. And only constant conversations, frequent conversations, common interests with another woman will lead to a state of enraged Othello.

Women's jealousy has many manifestations. For example, at the very beginning of a relationship, ladies seek to completely conquer their partner. They do everything to ensure that his thoughts, actions, 24 hours a day are directed only at them. Any step aside becomes an occasion for jealousy and scandal. Usually in normal relationships, this behavior over time passes.

Another frequent situation: a woman lives in suspicions about the loyalty of her chosen one. For this manifestation of jealousy is characterized by telephone checks, time verification, road check, etc. But all this becomes the cause of even greater stress, as it constantly feeds unpleasant thoughts. A woman suffering from jealousy can understand it wrong even in the most innocent situation. The reason for this jealousy lies in the banal self-doubt.

How to overcome jealousy?

Combating jealousy should be comprehensive, aimed at eliminating the causes that lie in the personality and temperament of the jealous. In a specific situation, when jealousy overwhelms you, you can apply the exercises. For example, write out on the sheet all the accumulated reasons for jealousy, from the most acute to the less painful. Then you need to analyze each item, relive all the feelings associated with it. Perhaps this will help you to take an unbiased look at the situation that has caused jealousy, and to understand that there is nothing reprehensible in it. After the second reading, many occasions for jealousy will lose all meaning and stop giving pain.

Dear readers of my blog, are you jealous men and women? Are you ready to fight with jealousy (if such arises in a relationship)?
My best regards, Eugenia