Hello to all readers of my blog, another revelation of my thoughts for you!
You know, recently, I have started to notice that in a relationship between a man and a woman compete with each other, they try to prove something, show off, turn inside out. Show off yourself better than it really is, to show yourself better in the eyes of others, but why do you need all this?
I believe that for your dearest and nearest person it is not necessary to perform any feats, to turn inside out and get a star from the sky. It's enough to show your sincere care and commotment.
So it was in my family, I was brought up in such a way, so I watched my parents and this way I want to carry through all this into my future family ...
And I do not need any tests of love for strength. Constantly warming the bonfire of feelings is also not required, for the two are ready to glow and warm each other with their warmth, when this is mutual.
And the one who, in fact, does not care about you, will always be dissatisfied with something and will find a thousand reasons to be discontent. I would run away from such a relationship!
So think carefully, do you want to spend all your life justifying the expectations of others, to prove the truth of your intentions and dig into your shortcomings?
Maybe it's better to be close to someone for whom you are the one and only?
There are no perfect people!
There are just necessary things in life, without which relationship is nothing. So be next to someone who will be happy only because you are there for him, and from whom you will hear words of gratitude: Thank you for being there for me!
Everyone enjoy mutual happiness!
Your Nina
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