Hello dear blog readers! On the website I was faced with the fact that many men just want sex! But beautiful all serves as a serious relationship, love , and understanding his feelings! I can give you sex! But sex can only be with my future husband ( with whom I hope to meet here on this site) I'm a virgin! I'm old-fashioned! I have a very strong education! My parents invested in me all the best! My parents taught me to be honest and fair! My parents taught me that you need to be with only one man and forever!Many men, whom I write this, that sex can only be with me after the wedding! Call me a "Bigot"! And that virginity is not who do not need it! Write and say that man will never be willing to wait and endure before the wedding! Very disappointing to read that the most pure and precious that you want to give only to the husband! A virgin girl is problematic. I think a real man is a gentleman , that's no problem! On the contrary it will be his pride! Be the first and only ! Know and be confident that his woman is his woman! I think that for any normal male virginity favorite will be the best proof of love!
How else can you be confident that the girl likes that you're the only one for her partner whom she is ready to give all of myself?
The desire to lose their virginity is not only evidence of physical attraction, but the fact that she chose a man as the best representative!
Virgin is purity! Men's very nice to know! He is the first and only!
Who would not say that virginity is a relic! but the girl who during an epidemic of sexual freedom, or even anarchy has managed to maintain himself until the wedding night, of course, a strong personality.
In the end, she never succumbed to the entreaties of friends: come on, hurry up, we already solved this problem. She should not have the slogan "virginity is not fashionable!"
Despite all the talk and propaganda of sex, the girl found the strength not to jump on the first available bed. The girl managed to save herself for her only!
So I'm like a virgin girl , I advise all girls to remember that virginity is the best gift for your loved one. And virginity is good!
Because in order to become an expert in love Affairs much better under the leadership of someone you love! and not jumping from bed to bed, collecting the different disease!
For men virginity is your favorite — the most vivid proof of love!
I think men want a loving and faithful wife! what
Virginity is the best proof of love!
I wish you all love and understanding! If you have something to say about this, I would be very interested to read your thoughts !!! Feel free to talk! Thank you! With love Dana!
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