Travel as part of my soul
id: 10034852
hello all!
today id love to tell ya about my passion for traveling))
so i'm an experienced traveler and just love everything connected to traveling)))
since i was a little shy girl my parents wanted me to go out more and to make me sociable)
so to make me a sociable and out-going kid, there started to take me to differnt cities and villages in ukraine. we 'traveled a lot' in my city too! we went camping, rowing, hiking, made picnics in a forest)
and every since than a tend is associated for me with a great time and adventures! Do u like tent sleeping??
growing up, every summer i went to summer camps to diffedernt cities in ukraine) later on i came back to all the cities i've been to and saw them all from a different perspective.
i've been almost to every city in ukraine;))) and if someone needs an excursion, i'll be more than happy to help - better than a real guide!!!
i've never been to europe though,and that's my dream to explore europe and then a whole world! Will you join me on such mission, my dear??))

kisses, your passionate traveler Anastasia)))