Hello my best readers. I am really happy that after your working day or maybe even while your affairs you have found some time to read my blog. I have already had an experience to share my thoughts with you, my dear audience. If you read my blogs means I am writing not in vain. Today I want to talk about what is a real attractiveness in woman for a man.
I am curious to know what thoughts come to your mind right now after you have just read the previous line. Dear men, in what consists this real lady’s attractiveness for you?
Of course not the appearance is on the first place but, what is it than? What is so captivating, so enchanting in woman that infatuates man’s head? That is what I want to find out with you right now, my dear readers. Personally I think that it is only woman’s charms. It is not necessary for lady to be a top model with longest legs or have a third size of breasts, no. Not these things attract a man (well not only these things LOL). The way a lady looks at her man, the way she touches him – these things make a man fall in love with you. I suppose most of the ladies nowadays are mistaken that a real beauty is only in a pretty face and perfect body. What only women are ready for now to draw the attention of the opposite seks. They do the plastic surgeries risking their health, excruciate themselves with diets to fit model standards but that’s not an issue. Not this beauty attracts men, am I right, bachelors? You would prefer a lady from the touch of whom your will have goose bumps, wouldn’t you? You would prefer a woman whose smell would make you roll your eyes from pleasure, guessed again? My best dears, I do hope that after reading my blog ladies will stop torture themselves with painful beauty procedures but will think about their charms thanks to which they will entrance every man. At the same time, I hope that men will finally decide by what kind of woman they are simply crazy.
I do hope to know if you agree or disagree with my thoughts, your point of view will be really important for me.
With love, Alena
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