Hi dear readers of my blog! My name is Natalie and I am 39.
Why do you date younger women but not women your own age? Maybe you would answer that they’re not your own age, they’re old – and you are not?:)
I know you have always been attracted to younger women. But it definitely made me wonder, why do men, particularly as your age tend to go for younger women?
Is it because of Youthfulness, Looks, Energy, Vitality, Playfulness?
Based on my topic, and just for kicks, you should switch your age range to an upper limit of 39 and… lol and behold! It is like entering a secret vortex of hotness:
Women over 39.
They are confident! They are direct! They are liberated! And they are HOT!
Incredibly hot! Let’s see if I can distinguish some of the qualities I found so alluring in women over 39 that are often missing in women in their 20’s and 30’s:
1) Confidence
They have some major life experiences. Usually, they’ve already been through a marriage, parenthood and probably a divorce. They no longer need a man to fill some void in their life; they know what they want, and they’re not afraid to go after it! They are also comfortable in their own skin. They don’t do the whole bullshit routine that unmarried women do in their 20’s and 30’s.
2) Direct
Many women in their 20’s/30’s allow men to transgress their boundaries – constantly – without sticking up for themselves. You will NOT see a woman over 39 make this mistake very often. No drama, just communication.
3) Liberated
Since most women who are over 39 have previously been married and are now single, there is usually an experience of having taken charge of their lives by ending a bad relationship. (Yes, women end most marriages.) She may not agree, but she’ll give you the space to be you. Isn’t that what you’re all looking for, anyway? Someone with whom we can be ourselves – whether that’s a potential partner, lover or a friend.
4) HOT
When a woman has taken good care of herself throughout her 20’s and 30’s (physically, mentally and emotionally), and is confident, direct and liberated, there is a good chance that she is going to be spicy hot! She no longer feels the need to follow societal norms about sex, love, hooking up or dating. Without the need to strategize to catch a man, she does what feels right and what works for her. How liberating!
Regardless of what happens, I do know one thing – your next girlfriend will definitely be over 39.
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