What is the difference between city life and life outside the city?
id: 10029462
Hello dear readers! I am so happy to share my thoughts with you! If you are in an apartment, you pay for a comfy things and if you have problems with them, it solves the problem of the service. In the village or in the city, in most cases you will have to repair everything yourself or inflict on those who know how to do it. In the apartment, if you just do the internal repair and create your own style, then in your own house you can create your own style both outside and inside your house, even in the beginning you can put a fireplace on yourself or even remember the old oven and make a stove out of stone. In terms of utilities, such as gas and electricity, the apartment for you has already decided where it costs and how, and in your own house you decide where and what to do. In the city you can walk only in the park or just walk on the city, and in the village you have no restrictions, you can go to the forest, to the meadows. In terms of work, school and kindergartens in the city is better as quickly you can find nearby or drive on one minibus, and in the village you will need a couple of transport facilities for your arrival. Communication and Internet in the city are always on top, in the village there may be problems, and sometimes you will even have to stand in one place for a good place and that both you and your interlocutor could hear everything. In the village of the store only a minimum is necessary, because they themselves all grow, in the city next to any super or hyper market and you came and bought everything. In the village, the air is cleaner than the city due to the fact that there are not enough cars in the village and there is not such an exhaust. But with the country's time, the country is developing and it may be that you lived in the village, and tens of years later there will be houses and buildings, and if the village becomes private, there will be only houses and there will not be big houses or warehouses, the plant is even worse. As for me i like both life and ready to relocate wherever! My relatives invite me to live in the countryside 2 times per year! they dont have electricity and internet at all! Can you imagine this!?)))) And they post letters via casual postoffice service! This is so cool nowadays, is not it!?