Hello dear readers! OH! I am going to touch a very popular topic which can be discussed a lot! There is a saying that in the modern world, they are met by clothes, but escorted by reason! Oh! I am sure that you heard about it! That is why people tend to look stylish and neat. Women who lead an active lifestyle need a perfect look: stylish clothes, a fashionable hairstyle, and an excellent make-up. In order to achieve all this, girls often turn to the stylists for help, but you can safely assure that this is not always necessary. Because creating a nice make-up at home is not so difficult. The main thing is to carefully study your face, understand its individual characteristics and spend a little time creating a salon make-up. On example of my friend their men always tell that they should not spend time and and money for it. But in the same time want their woman to be bright as stars when they go out together! In some cases men give so little costs and a woman has to use low quality cosmetics. And in a year she looks 10 years older without cosmetics as before..
Maybe it is not so interesting for me to know this.. but as long as a man is searching for a woman to live thogether they might share all things in life! Is not it? Or do you take a make up a very personal thing which a woman should do behind closed doors and come out and shine only!? :) There are many types of make-up, and in most cases, women do it themselves at home, because any representative of the fair FEMALE and SHE wants to appear on the public in the best possible way.
It can not be said that professional make-up is a panacea that will change the appearance and, perhaps, life in the shortest possible time. Same is to loose weight! If you did that succsess it does not mean yet that you will be lucky! It need a lot more work on the personality and inner world! However, changing appearance is a sufficiently effective tool that helps women to raise self-esteem and perception of their own appearance. have you ever been thinking about it and what is your idea!? :)
Do not forget about naturalness, completely changing the features of your face! Identify only the most important features that could be adjusted, but not changed! For example, you can make a greater distance between the eyes, adding a few light shadows to the inner corner, but do not get involved in the transformation of natural features.
Avoid catchy and colorful combinations. Do not allocate all at once all: it will make the image cheaper and make it ridiculous and tasteless. It is better to use one accent, and all other parts of the face to work in the soft mode.
And some funny thing in the end!))) There is a saying in Ukraine that you should spend a few nights with a woman before the wedding to see how natural she looks like in the morning! :) Because a woman can catch your with her perfected skin, fake brows, eyelashes, nails and so on... And after the wedding you will have to live with this because you Sweared! :)
PS! I hope you like me natural on the picture!?
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