Hey-lo sun!
Where do you look at when see a lady for the first time? ;)
I know the answer. So shhhh, keep it in mind ;)
But how do you think, where do look ladies when see a stranger man?
To answer this, you have to know what all females look for in males. And there are 3 "Rs" for this: Reliability, Recklessness, Respectability.
And I can assure you, this answer is not very optimistic, because to know this we look at man's posture, hair, and... shoes!
Well, how's it, eh??? We don't ask, or observe. We judge by these items and that's all!
But how it happened we look at these parts, and not at the others?
To start with, posture we evaluate in the simplest way: is man strong-looking, is he bigger than us, and is he taller.
If all is fine, we proceede to head & hair.
Hair is important, because this shows your attitude to your age. Men who are daring & caring are rather about to wear modern haircuts, and their head is clean or at least covered with a cap (ha, that's a lifehack of all people to look like you have your hair not greasy). If haircut is weirdly old-fashioned, as if it is 80's and best years of KISS band came back, we stop looking and try to stop giggling.
And the last one piece. Even if we put our eyes down in try not to look at the weird haircut, we glimpse shoes. They have to be clean and matching! Joke. Just clean.
And now you ask, how can we know that shoes were clean before you entered nasty Autumn streets with rains and mud? I don't know!
So better come to get acquainted in sunny warm weather, when you can go to beach with your person of interest and look at all places you got used to look at at first time. But this time in bikini! ;)
And, one more piece of info for you, my dear readers: I never knew how to behave right at first dates. Maybe you have ideas to hint? ;)
Would be great to read ;)
Bye-bye for now,
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