Tan wearing nothing
id: 10027311
Hello to all readers) How is your mood? What can a girl do on a Sunday night? Of course, write an interesting article. These are my thoughts. And I hope that after reading this article you will have a good mood) well! lets start?
probably all men will agree with me when I say that a tan looks so beautiful on a woman's body? And all men once dreamed of a mulatto-woman?) Ahhahaha
Of course I care so much about my body and I want to look always good! I'm a photographer and of course I dream of becoming a famous photographer not only in Ukraine, but also at least in Europe), but lately I've been working as a model! Sometimes I advertise lipstick. Recently I advertised bags) and always I want to look fine (even in autumn frosts).

But how can a girl constantly have a tan on her skin? Maybe it will be a solarium every week? but I heard that it is very harmful to the skin (or maybe it should be rest on the sea and tan without clothes? I like the second idea) What about you?

I imagined that my future man would take me to some islands where we could find a deserted beach. This is my dream. I can sunbathe without clothes. But then I have another question! Will my man be able to tan without clothes? After all, it is probably very difficult to hide some of the reactions of the male body when there is a beautiful girl nearby? ) AHhaha

maybe someone can tell me how to keep the beautiful color of my skin for a year? I'm very concerned about this issue)

Only please! do not offer me auto-tanning) I already tried it) is not very convenient then to go with an allergy all over the body), some people thought that I got chickenpox) lol

Ok) I wish love to all people here!!!
will wait your answers
