Boo.. Hi! Everyone! I would like to remind everyone that soon Halloween!
What do I like about him !? Firstly, it is the organization of frightening rides and carousels. Got called "ghost attractions", is the main feature of the celebration. I really enjoy having fun on this day and dressing up costumes. Do you decorate your house and participate in the competition?
Secondly, it's fortune telling !!! Lonely villages, like me, guess with the help of a peel of an apple. To do this, they cut the peel from a ripe fruit, while trying to keep the peel as long as possible. Then they throw it over the left shoulder. On the peel fallen to the floor you need to see the first letter of the groom's name. :) Do you want, what would your name be this time and we were trying to create a family?
Well, thirdly! This of course ... What would you think !?
YES!!! Asking for Candies !!! :) Traditional entertainment for Halloween! Girls LOVE IT! Dress up in clothes and masks, depicting monsters or other evil characters, go around the houses in the district, begging for various sweets. Do you have open doors for me? At the same time, they ask the owners the question "Trick or treat?", Which means "wallet or life?". This question contains a joke threat to cause the owners any trouble, if they do not give coins, sweets or other treats to children. What kind of trouble would you like me to have ?? :) Or if you are the one who does not want to participate in the general fun, just put up a basket filled to the brim with a sweet treat for me and deliver it directly to my home in Ukraine? mmmm
Now I'm dreaming of apple caramel and sweet apples in chocolate, sprinkled with colorful confetti, as well as nuts. They can both be cooked at home)) Would you do your best for me!?
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