Hello to everybody! Today I would like to present to the public the most common things both partners do in relations, especially ladies. Do not forget that relations, partnership and a family is a business for two. Both should work hard and appreciate each other’s efforts to please the partner. Of course, it is much easier to say that there are no good men or women on this planet and to be angry at the whole world. Below, I would like to list mistakes, which should not be done by the ladies maybe there will be any volunteer who will make list for men’s mistakes:
1. You undervalue yourself
Some women only want men who are unavailable, while others chase after bad boys. Some women put up with unacceptable behaviours and other women just don't ask for what they deserve. If you notice any of these behaviours in yourself, it's a sign that you need to value yourself if you want to be successful in relationships.
2. You're overly masculine and don't appreciate men
Full disclosure: I believe in feminism and independence. But believing in those things does not mean you shouldn't appreciate the things men do for you. In any relationship, we want to feel needed by the other person. If you exert too much autonomy, your boyfriend or husband will feel unsatisfied with the relationship and potential suitors won't see a place for themselves in your life. When he's kind enough to open a door for you, help you carry a heavy box or pay for a meal, he is not demeaning you or suggesting that you are incapable; he is merely trying to show his affection for you by serving you. Allow him to do that.
3. Not paying attention to the way he talks about other women. See above, but also the way he talks about his female friends or even just the way he talks about any lady; all of it adds up and speaks volumes. Don't ignore it just because he has nice abs.
4.You expect him to guess what you like instead of explaining straight and clear your desires.
Especially in the beginning of a relationship, when you just get to know each other it’s a common mistake to assume he will magically know how you like your coffee and that you prefer foot massage over a head scratch.
5. Not respecting his personal space.
If he’s in a bad mood or doesn't feel like talking, leave him alone and let it be. Most guys don’t like to talk about their issues the way women do. Instead, they prefer to pull back and work things out internally.
6. Not having your own life.
Don’t be one of those girls who forgets her friends and her interests as soon as she has a man, it never ends well and makes you look needy.
7. Not appreciating him.
Again, stop looking at the things he isn't doing and look at what he is doing, and then acknowledge and appreciate him for it! The more you show you appreciate him, the more he’ll try to please you.
8.Trying to change him.
When you get into a relationship, you need to take that person for exactly who he is, not who you want him to be. He is who he is, take it or leave it. When it comes to minor things, like the fact that he wears running shoes with dress pants, be gentle and encouraging. Don’t criticize and make him feel stupid. Say something that makes him feel good and inspires him to make that change on his own.
9. You look for a man to complete you
If you're waiting for or dependent upon a relationship to make you feel confident or happy, it's always going to be out of reach because you cannot put that responsibility on someone else; it comes from yourself. People who are happy in relationships are the same people who are happy out of relationships. Develop your own happiness and self-respect at whatever stage you're in right now. It's the only way to attain it.
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