A Sexless Marriage
id: 48756
I am sitting here tonight wondering about what happens to a man and a woman who are in a sexless marriage. It sounds strange, but I guess it does happen.

I am wondering who is at fault. It is the man because he has gotten older and does not find his wife not a turn on anymore. Or is he just tired of living with the same woman and does not feel needed and is more of a friend than a husband.

Maybe it is the woman's fault. Maybe she has loss the desire to have sex or maybe she has determined that she has filled that part of the marriage that she feels was an obligation.
Maybe she is not satisfied by her husband and looks for something more exciting or maybe she's just not interested in sex anymore/

Maybe it is a combination of the man and woman that they do not find them attracted to each other sexually anymore, but they have been together for such a long time, that they have just decided to live the rest of their lives as friends.

I do not know the answer, but if you would like to give me some reasons, I would like to know.