Hello dear reader! I would like to represent to your attention a few ideas how to win a Woman! Let me think if you agree with following?! Please! So... Don't come on too strong early. Let the relationship develop at its own pace. Coming on too strong early will almost certainly creep her out. Gradually get stronger feelings for her as you go on with the relationship together. A man should feel if to give flowers or not to a woman, if to kiss her or not or if propose her to finish night in his bed..
A man should be brave. Most girls like people with confidence, not an ego. Just walk up to her and start a simple conversation. She'll get the hint that you are interested in her. is it difficult to ask her something?
What do you think would work on me!?)))))))))) Try the variants))
-That's a really nice dress. Where is it from?
-I'm sorry, I'm new here. Can you tell me where the nearest food market is?
-Hi, my name is ... You look like you're interesting to talk to. Do you mind if I steal a couple minutes of your time?
I think that if a man can make a girl laugh, you'll get further with her. But don't take advantage of this. Let her be your best friend first, then ease into things. A girl needs to know that she can trust you, and that you're not going to break her heart because you really do care about her. Girls love to laugh and will laugh at anything you say, even if its not funny. I am a very easy girl))) But serious person
OMG! I know why men stay here and biuld relations online a lot!!!!!!!!!! Want to know?! Maybe they want to be around other girls?This is not the same thing as flirting with other girls, which is probably not a good move. Being around other girls tells the girl that you're really interested in that other girls find you safe, reliable, and easy to be around. If you get other girls to indirectly vouch for you like this, you've made a big step.
Make friends with girls if it's not too big of a step. But still lets a man to know women's principals. especially from other countries. After all, girls often turn to their friends for advice and for a second opinion. Make sure they have a high opinion of you. Do you do the same?
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