I once had a boyfriend try to cheer me up after a fight I had with my mother, by buying me a tube of toothpaste. Yes, the fight with my mother stemmed from a tube of toothpaste, which made the gesture super sweet. I appreciated it at the time, but not nearly as much as I would appreciate something like that now. You learn, with time, that things like that are hard to come by. Another time, I was asked by my boyfriend at the time what my favorite colors were. He wanted to surprise me with flowers of those colors. Unfortunately for him, I had no idea and told him my favorite colors: black & silver. So I was very surprised when a bouquet of roses arrived at work, smelling like spray paint. My black & silver roses were close to dying, but it's a gesture I will never forget. Not all guys have that mentality, so if you have one ladies, by all means, please hang on to him. To some men, just putting the toilet seat down after using it, is caring enough. And we women need to learn and accept that. Enjoy the little things in life, the small gestures that seem unimportant, but speak volumes. Some men don't have the romantic gene in them. As a woman who lacks that gene, I understand and feel for them. Doesn't mean we don't care, it doesn't mean we don't love. It means we are not great at expressing that love. But it's there, and with time, we become better at letting you know, in our own way. If you could understand that, then we're good. Now faithfulness…ahhh,, the impossible request. I feel faithfulness is necessary, mostly because I am faithful. So I know that if I'm capable of being faithful, despite all the temptation in this world, then my partner should be as well. I understand how it could be a difficult request, gentlemen, but if you're not ready; all you need to do is say so. Don't get into a relationship if you're not ready to settle down. That simple. Play the field, sow your seeds, do what you gotta do, then call me. Not too hard, and spares hurt feelings, mine because you cheated, and yours, because I find out you cheated, and will make it my mission to hurt your "feelings". I don't need all the flowers, the jewelry, the chocolates. Would it be nice? Sure. Would I turn them down? Who would? But they are not necessary, and they do not fit the image of what I feel the perfect man is. Every woman deserves to be treated like a queen, right? Wrong. We are not all queens, and therefore should not all be treated that way. Who are we kidding? We know how we are, we know how we act, and we know that around "that time of the month", none of us deserve to be treated like queens. Just like men, we can't all be grouped into the same category. Just like there exist over the top romantic men, there exist women the same way. And just like there are men out there who don't show emotion and think romance is bringing you home a bucket of KFC, there are woman who think the same way. It's just a matter of matching them up, or of accepting the other's differences. One man's meat is another man's poison. The perfect man will love you, respect you, and be faithful to you. That should be enough for you to be happy. Anything else is an extra perk you get because you inspire it in him. If he chooses to show you his love on a daily basis, and that's what you like, then go, be happy. Me? I have simpler tastes. Hug me when I look like I need one, listen to me when I need to be listened to, when you hurt me, apologize, respect me, my opinion, and my loved ones, and saying "I love you" every once in a while is not a requirement, but a pleasant surprise. I will do the same, as I am a firm believer of giving as much as receiving. I don't need cards, presents, jewelry. Putting the toilet seat down and a bucket of chicken? Where have you been all my life?
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