Hello! I want to share with you my thoughts. We live in a big world, we are surrounded by a
large number of people. And we want to find love as soon as possible. Why not? In fact, the
answer is very simple! This is the right way. In ordinary life we meet people where we most
often: in cafes, at work, transport, and on the streets. So what? It seems to us we fall in love.
Why do we feel such? Because there is a passion, attraction, but not spiritual ...We fall in
love to the exterior, the charm, smile and walk, but not in the persons soul. And then what?
And then the following happens. As time goes by, we remove from the eyes of rose-colored
glasses, get used to the same (previously important to us) looks, smile, charm, walk and, there
it comes a disappointment! This frustration manifests itself in the absence of common topics of
conversation, common interests, understanding, respect, and probably love ...Yes, there is no
love. There remains only the attachment. It resembles a suitcase without a handle. It and throw
a pity, and wear heavy and uncomfortable. So it makes sense to look for love here. Just need to
have patience to go through this path. Correspondence, photo sharing, chat ... you need to know
each other very well inside, and then meet in real life. Is not it wonderful? In my opinion, this is
a very mysterious, romantic, interesting and well! Hopefully, I denounced you to my thoughts.
Take care.
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