Hi to everybody !!! Today I wish to inspire everyone with my blog and talk about incredibly brave acts that women commit to win the heart of a man!!! In my native city Dnepropetrovsk was held a competition called "brave bride". A lot of girls in our city took part in the competition, including me. For this competition a real cobra was brought from India. I stood for the longest time with real cobra on my head!!! It was so scary for me, cobra wrapped around my neck and started to sizzle ....but I have done it and won the competition!!! Guess what prize I got?!:)
Now I want to know what brave steps or actions of women can really win men's hearts, can inspire men and make them really happy!!!
I will look forward to hear your opinion and the most curious who will appreciate this my brave step is going to get some special surprise from me !!!
with love and respect
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