Sincerely speaking,for me it's hard to write about this situation, but still my thoughts could help someone to make the right choice.
Some time ago, my best friend called me and said she broke with her boyfriend, actually her future husband,with whom she was during 6 years. They engaged last year, rented apartment together for 3 years and planed to buy a house. It was a great shock for me, because it seemed that they were happy (it looked like this in social nets on pictures).I remind how they falled in love, and actually he was her first sex experience, then they had love through distance while they were in different countries... Then he made a proposal, they had really good plan for future forever happiness. But unfortunately or fortunately (who knows), my friend ceased to love. She asked "How could I really know if I still love".Soon we met and I told her that there is great difference between love, desire and necessity.
Here is analogy:you want Prada bag ,but it's surely not a necessity.But there are some things, you can't probably live without.For example, oxygen. We have no conscious desire to get it every second,but we can't survive without it. Anyway desire can become a necessity depending on circumstances and vice versa. If you were sinking, the necessity of oxygen would become a strong desire... This is a paradox, we start to value important things, when we loose them. "Ok, but what is love ?" my friend asked.
To my mind, love is when you want what you really need and need that you really want.
I clearly understood that you don't need to agree for less than real love. Don't be afraid to leave your comfort zone and find the lesson who will make you better than you are now.Spend some time to think over this question.Becaude some things you need to realize later than never.Undoubtedly,love is one of these things.
Be happy and loved!!!
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