Hey-lo everyone, and have a nice day if you read it ;)
I often wonder if there's something who (or what) influences our mood, or it is only depend on us?
If first option is true, I could be definitely a person who influences other's mood in a good way. Sometimes even with the harm to myself ;)
And this is the foresay I would like to start my funny fail story with.
So, this happened this weekend when we were funnily celebrating Halloween in Ukraine. Halloween in Ukraine is worth mentioning itself, but this is a plot for another long story ;)
This weekend me and my friend Yulia have fully dressed up for Halloween, me as a Kitty, and she as a Nurse.
This is how we looked when we left the house and caught a taxi.
Taxi driver has asked us where to drive at, we sat (me on front seat, and Yulia at back with all our packages for celebration), and fun has begun!
Of course a taxi driver was curious about what is going on here, so he started to ask, and ask, and ask questions. Taxi drivers always have them a lot! As if they were previously presenters at some quiz show.
But the biggest fun I experienced (or rather survived) when we came to the destination point. I have stucked in the car! The front door just won't open!
My friend and a driver went out of a car and tried to open the door too, but failed. Failed also the taxi driver when he closed his door with the keys inside, and it immediately was blocked!
I tried to open it, but - as it often happens with Ukrainian cars - I failed to do it myself too ;)
Then my friend has started to get nervous, so she asked a policeman who went across to help us.
- What has happened, - he asked.
- My Kitty has stucked in the car! - replied my friend.
- In the ambulance car? - he asked, when saw her dress for Halloween.
- No! - interrupted the driver. - It is a costume! And Kitty is a human! And I am a driver. I lose time and have to go for another passenger soon.
- Okay, - said the policeman. - You have fake Kitty, fake Nurse, so why the hell you thought I am a real Policeman? It is my costume too!
All sighed.
- Well, if you can't help - better pass by, we lose time, - answered driver.
- Okay, just have an idea from me: she can leave the car if roll down the glass, - said the policeman and left.
This is how I was rescued and almost in time came to party. But people who took part in this story has laughed hard on me ;)
Hope at least I improved their mood ;)
And can other person's fail improve your mood? ;)
Kitty Tamy.
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