As a rule, we usually dream about happiness, welfare, youth, health and wealth. In this line the dreams about a warm family nest, about love, beautiful and healthy children, mutual understanding and support from the side of your “half” are in the first place.
Such an ideal image makes us look for our “half”, be mistaken, fall and stand up and look for him once again. We believe, that having found this needed person, we’ll receive everything we dreamt about. We’re waiting for a full satisfaction of our wishes, problems decision.
And we turn out to be very disappointed, if this doesn’t happen.
Then, why do we need such relations - we need them: in order to feel ourselves in a unity. We are together – a single whole. We are together – a real force: to continue our human race, to raise our children.
But if all our expectations are connected with our relations, then in the case, when something doesn’t go as it should be – everything is ruining.
What is needed to create and preserve harmonious relations between two people?
First and foremost, bear in mind, a couple consists of two units and not two halves. It’s the union of two people, but not a single organism. You’re an individual, a personality with your own fate and your own tasks in your life. You are not each other’s property.
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