Hello my dear readers. I have some thoughts to share with you this fine day ;)
What to do if person, who you fall in LoVe with, is absolutely not like your ideal match?
Sometimes it happens, doesn't it? Has it ever happen to you? When you excidently meet a person, you start communicating with him/her and you understand that you are in LOVE. But this person is absolutely not the one you were looking for. Do you believe it can happen?
I think it is a bit weird to have an exact picture of person you want to spend your LIFE with in your head. Sometimes we like people with blue eyes and blond hair, but then you get attracted with a person with green eyes and dark hair))) What do you think about that? Do you think I'm wrong?
I think it's because it isn't the appearance that matters)) But the inner WORLD.
I think it is hard to get to know a person only by only info in his\her profile. You need to communicate for some time. Only after that you'll be sure what is going on)).
Do you have an exact picture of person you want to share your life with?
What qualities should this person have?
I'm waiting for your reply)))
Have great weekends.
Anna *)
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