Hello my dear readers!
In the reckless years of youth, love seemed to me the greatest value in the world. There was not a day that my inflamed mind did not think about the person I would meet and would not let go. I thought I would recognize him from a thousand - we will rave the same dreams, listen to similar music, equally feel the world around us, like the two halves of the whole. Time passed, I fell in love and was disappointed, because none of the candidates matched high ideals. Hormones demanded to love and dissolve in another person, and I obediently obeyed them, not bothering about who really was in front of me. I never tried to look in depth, I did not set out to see a real partner - and this was the main mistake.
When I stepped over the threshold of maturity and learned to understand myself better, I suddenly felt like I was wrong. Love was far from the feeling of universal euphoria that I dreamed of, but something completely different, close in meaning to the Christian canons - the ability to forgive, tolerate, accept, be supported, want to share responsibility. And love has contained in itself many words denoting the union of two - co-experience, co-suffering, co-feeling, co-joy. And this was a real discovery.
Two people or two halves of the whole?
Naturally, with age I began to understand that harmonious relations are built not by halves, but by full and completed personalities who have something to say.
Now, I understand that when two people are near, there is no need to merge into one big cloud of feelings, we would simply move in parallel to each other and observe the development of events with interest, offering a helping hand. All this would happen naturally and at ease, it would not be necessary to break yourself, wear protective masks or hide something. I want to see a person without embellishment, watch his inner struggle, learn goals and motives. I want to be close to men, to be proud of his achievements, to share every moment of life. To get fed with simple human happiness, to rejoice that we appeared in the life of each other.
About the convergence of views and values
How important is it for me now to look at the world at the same way, to have common views and dreams? Everything became relative. It is good, when the outlook of my future partner will be similar to mine. It's cool that he will think as widely as I do, that he will not be afraid to openly admit his mistakes and generously forgive my weaknesses, this will unite us. When both of us will argue passionately, without fear of hurting each other, and we will tolerate the moments of the crisis tolerantly, without seeking compensation on the side. At such times I will feel that I can trust him, that his principles are unshakable, that the least of all he wants to hurt me. And it's really priceless.
However, our thoughts may not coincide in many ways, which is also good. We are individuals who must defend their "I" and learn to negotiate, any conflict of interests only contributes to the development of us as a couple. We may not understand something, but if we allow ourselves to take a different point of view, to admit the possibility of the existence of another worldview, this will make us by a head taller. By the way, now I think that learning to redirect the energy of destruction into the energy of creation is one of the most important tasks in partnership.
Love should change thinking, temper the spirit, make it stronger and more mature, like an old wine, which with the years only improves its taste. It is not something light and tickling in the lower abdomen, not the whims of hormones, but a feeling that can fill two with calmness, confidence, the desire to grow and develop together. It also heals the wounds and returns inner beauty.
I will be happy to know your opinion about my blog.
My best regards, Eugenia
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