What is an intellect, and who is intelligent?
id: 10011101
Hi, there. Today I decided to share my opinion on some unusual topic for discussion here. I were looking trought blogs here, and mostly all of them are about love and relationships between men and women. So, I thought why not to make another theme of discussion and find how it influence on people here.
Now let's start... My topic today is intellect,intelligence,mind,brains,wit,smarts...I can make the endless list ,and
for me intellect is an ability to find decisions for many different life problems, an ability to see and predict consequences of your actions.
Smart person is the person who can use his/her brains (not everybody do it) and who has subject knowledges.But it won't be enough just to be educated in some concrete sphere. You need to be able to use your knowledge and make your own point of view, make logic conclusions and hard decisions , you can analyze and see the difference between significant and insignificant.Intelligent person can see further than nose!!!
Surely, we use our minds not often, that is why sometimes we simply turn our brains off and use feelings and emotions ( this concerns mostly women). Mind is not only ability to think ,it's also life experience,nous,wit and sense that helps to make right solutions.
It's curious that human thinks not only using a head, but whole body. You may discover smart person by his/her intonation,eyes and even by a gait.
Have you ever thought, that our mind connects with hormones and psychological features? Women are not less intelligent than men, but in bussiness and in making responsible decisions men win, just because men don't use emotions much.
Man's mind is a habit to think only himself,to find the direct solution without any jinks and tricks.Woman's mind is different, women prefer to turn their foxery on and solve the problem another simply way, not rack the brains. Ahahah, it is funny, but true, why should women think herself, when she always could make helpless eyes and ask for man's support? Is it true that many men prefer not very smart women?Maybe that is why very smart women sometimes turn on the "silly little fool mode" to get married :)lol.
Actually, "bare mind ,intelligence" could to give you any guarantees of happiness, live, money and successful career...You always need to think, to search, to live a full life, to be open for new experiences, generally speaking, to develop your personality.
All the best wishes and good luck.
Cute Anna.