Hello my dear readers, I'm always glad to have you here. Topic of my today's blog is UNEQUAL MARRIAGE: WHEN THE HUSBAND IS A MUCH OLDER OR YOUNGER THAN WIFE. Is it good or bad, when there is a difference in age betweet wife and husband? We are all from childhood - the girls choose their husband by the type of their fathers and happily shift responsibility for themselves to a more mature man. An adult man is perceived as experienced, strong and wise.
He looks after a woman, says beautiful words, frankly, knows what the girl wants to hear. Young people also do not always like peers - a mature woman knows more what she wants from life and from her man, she is ready to patronize, educate, look at some shortcomings with understanding, and, most importantly, she knows how to inspire and compliment. And if two people of different age found each other, who can blame them?
What problems can face couples of different age? In couples, where man is older, he doesn't take care about himself. He thinks that courtship and compliments aren't needed, because there is a credit card, and if she wants something, she can just take it and buy anything. But, anyway, man wants to be loved.
A woman in such relations expects from a man constant admiration, some actions, beautiful words, in fact for the sake of this feeling of a holiday every day she agreed to an "unequal marriage."
So what to do? - Man, who is older than his chosen one, should take care about himselves, take care about his body. He mustn't forget that his primary task is to invest in a woman, but not to pay off from her.
If woman is older, she has to let man take the leading place in the family.
Don't forget, that man has to protect his lady, to earn money, to provide for his family, take care of it.
Woman has to remain a woman - and not to take upon herself the decision of any questions. The common mistake of mature women is unreasonable claims in immaturity, infantilism. This can not be done categorically. It's important to give a husband an opportunity to open up as a man with the help of compliments, the language of love.
Love can break out between people of absolutely different ages. Unlike love, true love is when you accept a person the way he is.
I wish everyone to meet their love and find their happiness with it. I invite you to discuss this topic and share the experience of relations.
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