Hello to everybody on this great site, where you can find love. I think writing a blog is a great opportunity to tell about yourself and to meet people! I saw here there are many beautiful ladies and men and I'll communicate with you with pleasure. I'm open for communication, because I think that pleasant communication is the best way to find love. When you are not searching for love it will find you, do you agree with me?
I'm well educated, I have two high educations - medical and business marketing, also I respect and communicate with people, who have only secondary education, because I'm sure that at any age person can learn anything he wants. And even person, who doesn't have a higher education can teach me a lot, because life is very multifaceted.
I have two passions. Photography, by the way, in my profile there is a video, how I do it, and it is the first video about me, which I created and that is why I looked a bit funny. If you've already seen it, please, tell me your impressions. My second passion is cooking desserts. I have special recipes, which have been passed on from generation to generation. I always cook with great pleasure for my friends.
I have one special dish - it is chocolate mousse, and I would like to cook it for my beloved person. I must confess, I've never been in love. And sometimes I ask myself if this dish is ever going to be tasted? ;)
I hope my blog brought a pleasure to you.
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