When you think of an ideal marriage you should understand that it contains of two constituents – ideal husband and ideal wife. We have talked here a lot about an ideal husband) But what about a wife? Can she be ideal? Or not on this Planet? ))
Does an ideal wife exist? How does she look?
I will try to describe a woman that can become an ideal wife for any man.
1) She shouldn’t be very young.
I think the perfect age for marriage is 30 yo (notice that I am almost 30 so don’t miss my perfect age)))
2) She cannot believe in divorce or even imagine getting a divorce.
As for me marriage is a mutual work with no give up. I am not going to leave my man, to find happiness outside the family and I will do anything to keep my husband in the family. I don’t want divorce any more – or it will become a habit))
3) She must have the natural body type you prefer.
Every woman will gain a few pounds when they settle with a man. It's unavoidable. What is unacceptable is a woman blowing up to whale proportions. If a woman was once very fat, lost the weight on crash diets and ultra-gym sessions, that weight will ALL come back plus more when she gets married.
She should have a pretty face. When her body goes the only thing that will be left is her face and you will have to see it every single day))
4) She must be image conscious.
A woman who gets pig-fat after marriage is a disgrace to herself and her family. She must be aware of her image and keep her body trim for you. Women will always gain a few pounds after marriage, but there is a difference between a few pounds and one hundred pounds. Take a look at all the women in her family, if they are all pig-fat it's a good idea to walk away as fast as you can. You will have to see your wife daily, you don't want to be thinking about skinning some bacon off of her back to cook breakfast))
5) She must be family oriented and not career oriented.
Of course I am going to work but my family and the house atmosphere is on the first place to me, husband and children are the main in life and work is on second. Family waits you at home, family kisses you in the morning and gives warm hugs at night – not your work.
6) She must be a “good” girl.
She cannot be a drinker or a smoker. As for me I care about my health and I think alcohol is harmful in any quantity. I live a healthy life – walk a lot, go to gym and swimming-pool) But of course a glass of champagne at New Year night is a tradition)) Oh – soon I will have it, waited a year))))
7) She should be ready to change herself for you.
When a woman is in love she will change herself to please and conform to you. Her new favorite food will become steak and eggs, she will enjoy watching all six Rocky movies with you, and she will do things to please you she has never done or liked before))
8) She must look up to you and respect you.
Women marry up and men marry down, since the dawn of marriage. If she looks down on you she will leave with your money and your children. You've got to be a man that she can look up to, admire, love and respect – always.
9) She should be a smiler.
She should smile when she sees you. Her eyes should light up. She should be excited each time she sees you and reward you with her beautiful smile.
You want a happy woman. You don't want a frowning, nagging, pessimistic bride.
Always pick a smiling, warm, happy-go-lucky woman to share your life with.
Maybe I have forgotten something? I left the 10 paragraph free. What will you add to my list?
Waiting for your reply)
Sweet Dasha
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