Hello my favorite readers. I am happy again to share my thoughts with you. My favorite topic is relationships and sometimes I make public my blogs here where I develop a certain topic about love, men and women, their relationships, etc.
A subject of my today’s blog will be men, to be specific their actions towards their fairs one.
Dear ladies, I am sure you have faced a problem that men do talk a lot but unfortunately their words are empty of meaning. They can retell a poems of love for you but the action doesn't follow suit and finally you realize that you mean nothing to a person and the only thing he can do is bla bla bla. In this my blog I want to stress that IF A MAN IS IN LOVE WITH YOU, HIS ACTIONS WILL SPEAK LOUDER THAN HIS WORDS!!! Men, am I right?
Now, my dear readers, I want to illustrate you how it works.
1) A man loves and respects her woman for who she is
If a man is truly in love with his woman, he won’t strive to change her. First of all her inner beauty will attract him, and only than her outer one. He will accept her benefits and drawbacks, he will respect her decisions and her choices in life.
2) A man is his lady’s biggest fan
When a man loves a woman it won’t be enough for him to be successful on his own. He wants his lady be successful in whatever she chooses to do. He believes in her and lets everyone know how awesome she is.
3) A real man protects his woman
If a man loves his woman very much he wants to protect her not only from physical harm, but from the downs of life if they take place.
4) A man has good memory
It may sound funny but a man who loves his lady remembers things like her favorite color, how many sugar she likes in her tea or coffee, what books she prefers to read and finally what thing she dreams about.
5) A man always misses his lady
If a man is so much in love with his woman, he thinks about her all the time. He misses when she is gone and waits with impatience for the time they are together again. Thanks to little notes he will always let her know she is on his mind.
So, my dear readers, do you find my words truthful? Of course there are a lot of examples to prove a man is in love with his woman. Here are just a few but to my mind the most important ones. I want to ask a male part of the audience, have you ever been in love with a woman insofar to follow all the examples of true love above?
I do wait to know your point of view and now, time for me to wish you nice day and only pleasant emotions.
With love,
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