Are you looking for a trophy or a wife? Or it has to be two in one?
id: 10036172
Hello my dear readers. It is well known that most men on this site are over their 40th. I looked through many profiles and I can see, that many men are looking for a girl in her twenties. But why?

My uncle is in his fifties and he is also looking for a girl younger than me. No success. He isn't rich and he isn't super handsome. He is an average working man. And I've told him already, thay idea to find a very young wife is disastrous. But he doesn't want to hear that.

We all hear about actors, who are in relationships or got married with ladies, who are much younger then they are. And usually it all finishes very painfully for a man.

But ladies in their thirties and older are more experienced and they aren't looking for an affair. They are looking for a partner for life. They aren't looking for a full pocket, they already know how to provide themselves. They are looking for a caring and alive person, with his advantages and disadvantages. These ladies are confident and they know what they want ;)

Am I right in my reasonings? I'll be happy to read your oppinion about this topic.
So, there is some food for brain I guess.

Have a weekend and make a right choice))