Greeting to all who are looking from time to time at my blog. During
last my publications I was telling you more about myself and my
attitude to life, love and relations about women and men in the world.
But now I decided also to help you and give you some more knowledge
about Ukrainian traditions. More about Ukrainian wedding, because each
of you, who are reading my blog, has to being looking for their soul
mate and wish to get married with Slavic lady, so I think it will be
really useful for you to get to know more information about us -
Ukrainian ladies and our best dream- wedding.
I think in a lot of nationalizes there is a tradition when bride throw
wedding flowers to a ladies and woman which will catch it will next
get married. But in Ukraine it is not only one tradition, we have much
more of them.
The background of traditions comes from Ukrainian village. Sure The
traditional wedding differs in details from village to village, but
all of them follow the same pattern in the order of wedding events.
One of the wedding traditions of Ukraine says that it is customary for
the groom's mother to prepare a round loaf at home. This specially
decorated loaf sprinkled with salt on top is brought by the groom's
mother on an embellished towel. If the bride approves of the proposal,
the wedding is then fixed upon by the parents of both families. But if
somehow she is reluctant to move ahead, the bride is supposed to hand
over a pumpkin to the groom's family. I think a lot of people will
like to taste wedding loaf, which tender woman's hands were made by.
When day of ceremony comes then in Ukraine usually all people come -
friends, relatives and people who live close to family during long
period. 3 days music is loud and people are celebrating.
Also we have special tradition when the wedding guests, who are
dressed like gypsies, visit houses and take gates off of hinges, steal
chickens, hide equipment and commit other silly behavior. They seat
the parents of the groom or bride in the decorated cart and pull them
to the water. There they overturn the cart and dump the parents into
the water, to make them completely wet.
All these actions may seem silly and irrational, but they have
absorbed the wisdom of the ancient Ukraine traditions preserved
through hundreds of years and are full of deep meaning to Ukrainians.
Welcome to Ukraine...
We will be happy to share our traditions with you..
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