Hello my dear readers. Thank you for taking a couple of minutes to read my blog.
Many are worried that they are receiving inadequate attention, and envy those who can boast of success in seduction. Researchers have calculated how many partners should a person ideally have in his\her entire life. It turned out that there was no reason for panic.
Scientists have conducted a survey among thousands of representatives of men and women about how many partners a person should have, with whom they could potentially spin a romance. It is interesting that it turned out that the opinions of men and women on this issue almost coincide.
It is also worth noting that most men and women are equally negative about "harlots" and "donzhuans": if a person has had too many partners in his life, then the attitude toward him is at best cautious. Usually both men and women do not want to have affairs with such "heroes-lovers".
Then, how many partners should a normal person have, so that he is not considered inexperienced or debauched? Approximately half of the survey participants believe that 10 is a normal number. At the same time, 42% of men and 36% of women said that they prefer lovers with a shorter "list of victories".
It is interesting that the overwhelming majority of the survey participants answered negatively the question, if they would like to know the exact number of former lovers of their current partners. Only 30% of men and 35% of women said that they would be happy to learn about who their "half-souls" slept with.
How many partners of your future half would you be ok with?
Men, disclose your secrets))
Love to all, Eugenia
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