Hey here, I came with a thought that many may not like. Especially women. Sorry, girls, but this is what I think!
The thing is as follows.
While last shopping I has made a break at a food court and just enjoyed Saturday's morning drinking coffee and so on.
And I watched people around me too. All women do so ;)
And... what I have noticed has made me think of the following: all men and women in couples were as if compatible to each other. I mean, not by the way they behave, but by the way they... look like.
And I came to a thought that a man choses a woman by the way she looks like, but not only by the attractiveness or type.
He choses her by the way she prezent herself in the society.
So, a man choses the one who will underline his status, who will be brilliant attachment to himself.
Cruel? Maybe.
But it is life, and it seems I am right about it.
So, then I started to think - what questions man asks himself before coming to a woman for acquaintance?
Is she single?
Am I looking good to compete?
Do I earn enough to have such woman?
Because, you know, looking good now means much! If not everything.
And then one more pessimistic thought sprang to my mind...
Do we trade ourselves?
Here, at such shopping malls.
On the streets.
In clubs.
At work.
What do you think about it?
Do we really strive to appear as beautiful and stylish as possible to only be bought? Bought by someone as good as we are? Or as we think we are?
So many questions, maybe, I just bombarded you with them.
But I am still curious: what's the price for me???
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