Hello, dear readers. Thank you for reading my blog.
Most of men here are looking for Ukrainian ladies. But not of you know that women are difficult and different. Today I will try to help you to understand women better, to find out the main difference between ‘yours’ and ‘our’ women. Knowing this information – you will be prepared better. SO…
Appearance differences:
1) An American woman wears slippers because it's comfortable. An Ukrainian woman wears heels, because men like it. Am. lady dresses like a bum, although she has enough money. Uk. lady gets dressed sexually, although she does not have money
2) American woman has 20 pounds of extra weight, an Ukrainian woman weighs five pounds less than the norm.
3) American woman hates makeup, an Ukrainian woman is beautified as a high-level make-up artist.
4) Am. Lady goes to the supermarket in pajamas, Uk. Lady in a mini skirt.
First meeting differences:
5) When you get to know each other American ladies ask you “What are you doing?”, an Ukrainian one “what is your purpose of being in Ukraine?
6) American lady asks you to buy her a drink, an Ukrainian woman waits you will buy her a drink by yourself.
7) American woman is chatting without closing her mouth and she believes everything you tell her, she feels uncomfortable in silence; an Ukrainian woman does not want to open herself, she is secretive, she is a lie detector, She feels uncomfortable with excess chatter
8) Am. Lady creates the impression that she is a strong and independent, Uk. Lady does not hide that she is weak and fragile.
9) American woman complains of a shortage of good men, Ukrainian woman complains that you do not buy her flowers.
10) The American woman treats you as a colleague; Ukrainian woman treats you as the master of her life.
Differences in life positions
11) American woman is looking for a stable job, builds a career, an Ukrainian woman is looking for a stable husband.
12) An American woman often has a Fake relationship, an Ukrainian woman often has Fake eyelashes, nails and sometimes eyebrows.
13) The American Woman is obsessed with Celebrity, Ukrainian - is obsessed with money. For an American woman, her ideal man is witty, spontaneous, interesting, a comedian of high level
Ukrainian woman сan not delve into the essence of personality, while a man has money.
14) American woman knows how to warm up chicken nuggets, Ukrainian woman knows recipes of many dishes from her grandmother.
15) The American woman did not go anywhere, but thinks she knows the whole world; Ukrainian woman did not go anywhere and complex about it.
16) Both women are obsessed with the brand Apple. LOL
Differences in choosing a sexual partner
17) An American woman is ready to have sex within three hours, Ukrainian woman is ready to have sex on the third date.
18) You have to fool an American woman in order to sleep with her, You have to logically convince an Ukrainian woman of the benefits of having sex
19) American lady pretends to be a porn star in the bed; Ukrainian lady pretends to be a virgin.
20) American woman worsens attitudes towards you after the first sex, The attitude of the Ukrainian woman to you after the first sex is much better.
21) The American woman boasts that she had sex with a black guy in order not to look like a racist and she boasts she meets several guys at the same time, Ukrainian woman hides that she had sex with a black guy, also she boasts of expensive gifts from men.
22) American lady goes to nightclubs to attract men twice a week, Ukrainian one - Visits the night club once a month, because she can not afford to visit it more often.
23) American woman is an expert in posing on webcam, the Ukrainian one is an expert in posing in sexual positions.
24) Am.lady believes that for happiness she needs casual sex and free contraceptives, sleeps with the one who excites her, Uk.lady believes marriage is a necessary for happiness, sleeps with someone who can improve her life.
25) The American woman sees a man as a misogynist with undeserved privileges in society; Ukrainian woman perceives man as a bridge to a better life.
I believe now you are prepared for the first date with your Ukrainian lady, so don’t waste your time, take a ticket and come to visit her.
Good luck!!!
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