Hello my dear readers! My name is Alena, and I am glad that you are reading my blog. I am a student. I am studying at the University at the Faculty of Physical Rehabilitation. I want to tell a little about what I am interested in and what inspires me! I like my profession and everything connected with it. Including the great sport! I like watching matches and tournament competitions. I have idols in great sport! I watch fights, swimming and gymnastics competitions. In my specialization as a rehabilitation physician, I will face sports injuries. Athletes of great sport seem strong and they will not be broken by anything but they can still get injured. These injuries can severely knock them out of the system of training and preparation for competitions. And for an athlete who cannot train can greatly.
I want to share very interesting information with you. Recently, I have attended a very interesting lecture on sports injuries. This lecture was told by a very clever teacher in the past a swimming athlete. In the specialty of rehabilitation, she has been working for more than 40 years and she has a lot of practice. She is very intelligent and can teach a lot. The lecture was about the injuries of professional athletes. How to return to training after injury and how injury affects the athlete's results. She told about what kind of chronic injuries gets an athlete throughout his sports career. To achieve the maximum possible sports results, an athlete trains a lot in a certain sport. Sometimes during training and competition, an athlete may be injured. Which leads to the abandonment of training and competition and sometimes, even withdrawal from a big sport. Yes, it sounds sad! One injury can ruin the entire athletic career.
What about the impact of injury on athlete results. If the athlete has recovered from injury, this does not mean that there is no injury! At each training, the athlete will feel the injury! The constant physical impact on the old trauma leads to bad consequences. If the athlete had a knee injury, then perhaps in the future there will be serious knee-disease. Do you understand me? These injuries affect the strength of the athlete's stamina and speed. This can affect the athletic performance.
How hard it is in big sport! A person has a lot of time and energy in a certain kind of sport in order to achieve the highest results. This is amazing! Sometimes I think that the athlete's body is like a robot and capable of much but they have the same body as an ordinary person. Just lucky, with good genetics and a strong desire to go in for sports. But even what can the human body do to achieve sometimes impossible results and set a record that cannot be beaten for many years. Do you want to know the secret? There are no secrets! This is all the seismic trainings and the goal. As I said above there are chronic injuries! Tennis players are constantly involved in the movement of the wrist (diseases of joints) and boxers often receive blows to the head (small cracked skulls) jumping into the water lead to micro-concussions of the brain. These injuries cannot be manifested for many years. The body has its’ own reserve of forces! With age, the body wears out, and it happens to athletes much faster than to an ordinary person. Nevertheless, when an athlete retires he will not be able to give up coaching! Sharply quit coaching leads to premature aging of the body tissues muscle atrophy and a sharp increase in body weight. This is the reason for the early departure from the life of the great athletes. After big sport, should not forget about training!
I hope you liked my blog about sports:)) What kind of sport do you like? Do you have any idols in the sport?
Kisses, Alena
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