Everyone loves to receive gifts. Especially women. Especially from men.
Why are we so waiting for the desired icons and so bitterly disappointed if expectations are not justified?Because gift for women carries a special meaning.
First, we are waiting for gifts from men during courtship and the subsequent family life.
No matter how old we are, a gift is something that every woman is always waiting with excitement. Because the gift she understands a lot about the man and his relation to it.
For example, how serious his intentions are, how he is generous or stingy, on the contrary, if he could earn money if he knows how to surprise and make surprises or treats gifts formally.
Gifts early in the relationship to tell the woman that the Breadwinner is male in the future.Conversely, if a weak man shows his generosity, his rating as a husband should be drastically reduced.
Don't blame women for this approach. It's not commercialism, not cynicism. And not even the desire to come "ready for anything".
If you look closely, you will see that even in the material nature the males of birds and animals confirmed other males their right to a female and won her whereabouts to continue their likeness.
Look how beautiful songs filled with witches for women, as shown in its elegant plumage of the peacocks. How desperate the lions are fighting for a woman at that time, as she just sits on the sidelines and waiting for the winner. It is the nature. And we're part of it.
All the caring rituals in nature, the need for a single purpose — to convince a woman that a man is able to ensure the survival of their future offspring.
Our world is material, and for the survival of the family man is not enough just to sing well or to be able to fight. Therefore, the change of songs came compliments instead of bright plumage, the beautiful attributes of life — cars, apartments and of course, gifts.
Gifts-as a kind of promise a woman future life together. And men know it or guess and go out of their way to please their ladies.
Of course, gifts are not a guarantee of a happy and comfortable life. But their absence in the future will not justify — that's for sure. Why do they give when the family has already taken place? - You ask.
Because it is necessary — I will answer.
The reason? Because.
All women will support me.
Being in a stable relationship, the woman is very important to know this interesting person. Let him at least five times already the father of her children. For men this is a serious argument. And for women this is not enough.
She wants to know and not just know — to be confident that she is an exceptional woman for her husband.
She is the most beautiful to him that he inspired her that he's happy with her, thank her for the birth and upbringing of children, that understands and accepts her wishes and that he loves her as much as it was then — their wedding day.
You tell me-the gifts can be given formally as the wife is not happy with the hysterics about this. Positive. . So I see only two types of relationships between a man and a woman. First, a man buys a woman for money or expensive gifts. A second search of the person who will something to talk about "before" and "after". I hasten to note that both approaches can be equally honest.Maybe I nedovospitali. But I firmly believe that if you constantly try on the price of anything,the girl runs the risk that one day so it will suit me, I will never choose to date a very expensive restaurant, do not order the most expensive dish on the menu, will not leave a man of your financial problems or do not add to it photos a seventeen year old Rolex in a notebook. I don't need to keep something at the expense of men. And I never pay for themselves on dates, and Yes, I accept gifts regardless of their value. And, you know, because of this I have never had a problem. One from me demanded nothing and did not offer to pay the cost of dinner for two. Never. I just think that gifts, too, of course. So here the right to argue.Important point: I also like to give. Maybe girls should do it less often than boys, but not to consider each other, really. All who need to give gifts. The problem is not how much they cost, what to demand and not the sacramental "divorce me for money"?". The problem is to find people who want to give them. And from whom they take not disgusting!!!
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