Does BEAUTY kill??
id: 10022315
Hello dear readers! You may think that i want to speak about a Beautiful Girl with a knife in her arms.. as in Hollywood horror movies... Did you hear a saying:"Why all beautiful girls are dangerous?!" But no! I will tell you about the danger that no body expects...

Did you hear that one English woman lost consciousness and died 20 minutes after the application of the paint(her hair)????

They say that the cause of tragic cases is considered to be p-phenylenediamine (PPD). It is an organic compound that is used in 99% persistent hair dyes. It is also used for tattooing, making black clothes and even newspapers. The use of PPD in cosmetics is prohibited. Everybody uses this is every day life, dont. we??? I read news papers, i wear black clothes a lot and of course i use cosmetics...

So why is such a potentially dangerous connection still so widely used?

The fact is that PPD - the most effective method for today, the painting of gray hair. And industry leaders are not in a hurry to look for an alternative.

The Association of Manufacturers of Cosmetics, Perfumery and Hygiene means that only 1.5% of the population is prone to allergies. In addition, manufacturers always warn of the possibility of an allergic reaction and recommend doing a test on the skin area at least 48 hours before applying the paint. However, such tests were not very reliable. I am not allergic to anything but i start to worry. because i also use painting my hair and eye brows... Do you like?? Do you like?)))

The darker the color, the more p-phenylenediamine contains paint. The EU has already reduced the maximum allowed level of PPD in hair dyes to 2%, but is this enough? i like my hair to be nice dark!!! Do you like me as a brunette??? I also have some pictures left from the time i was a blonde!!! Tell me please which one you like more??

Thanks! I wait a lot!

Your Killing Beauty!