Why do girls write blogs here?To attract more admirers ,to share their thoughts..
I have a very different reason to write here today..And i hope you ,people,will read it carefully and will undersand and share the pain i have now..
Sometimes people simply forget that the life isn't endless.You can't enjoy it endlessly..the time will come,and you never know when will it come to take you away..
For a very long time i had a real friend on this site,he was kind to me and was always ready to support me.No i wasn't a bride to him,i wasn't his future wife,simply because we never met..One month ago he simply disappear... no calls,no letters,nothing...
Of course i was worried and connected with his friends,Karl is dead they told me...
You can't be ready to hear such!never!
So many words weren't said,so many deeds not made.. and the most i am sorry we never met in person!Who knows,maybe if we met everything would be differently,maybe he would be still alive?
But he was such a hardworker and very stubborn))))LOL
He wanted to arrenge the best meeting for us,this is why he hesitated(
Why do i tell all this here?I just wish for people on this site to never hesitate with actions,the moment can never come... Life is what we are doing now,not tomorrow,not next month,life is what you are doing now!Look at yourself!Do you spend every evening looking into the screen?And your life goes by...
Do not hesitate to live your life fully and be close to people you love!
Kingcrab i will never forget you!
you had the biggest heart,the kindest soul and the most amazing voice)))
Bye bye my Love
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