What does happiness mean to you? Money, fame, high social status, possessing all the best or Friendship, Mutual understanding, Respect, Love - Material values or Spiritual? Someone says that without money now you can do nothing and that money can make you happy, while others say that the possession of material values does not guarantee you happiness. So who should we believe?
If you look at today's world with its frantic pace of life and modern technologies, if you believe in advertising and propaganda, that rushes from all sides, then you involuntarily begin to understand that without money you are nobody. And you turn into a squirrel, twisting the wheel without stopping, hoping that in 5 years you will begin to live like a man, and you will have prosperity, respect, and fame. As soon as you achieve some result, as soon as you have free money, you invest them again in business, in stocks, because money should work. You do not even have a thought to spend that money on vacation. The race continues, because there is always someone richer, more successful, and a new image should be maintained at the level. Old friends are gone, they are now not equal to you, there are not any new ones, and will they appear? There is no time for love, but if you want, you can buy it, but can you call the thing you buy LOVE?
Values depreciate and people are emptied, year after year they become more like a machine than a person. Are machines happy? No, you say, cars do not have feelings. Do you have? Or just the emotions?
Material wealth becomes destructive if a person does not possess spiritual wealth.
How to build your life? How to work for 12 hours and find time for family, recreation? How to find time for privacy? How to manage everything?
You can't do everything, so you'll have to choose priorities - decide what is more important for you, and spend more time doing that. You will have to refuse something, otherwise you will not be able to catch everything. And this choice, everyone should do it individually ...
Just do not forget that you are not immortal and you will not carry material riches with you. How will you be remembered and will you be remembered at all? Think for yourself, decide for yourself and for whom you live this life.
Be happy and make others happy!
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