Hello again, dear readers! I am happy to salute you here on this site. I hope in every post, you will find some information, which will be useful in your life. This particular post is more for the women but I truly hope that men will read it and answer if I am correct or no.
There is a theme that evokes in the life of every woman, a misunderstanding: how to behave properly at the beginning of a relationship, what mistakes women make? If you have something to share on this topic, I will be grateful. I really have something to share, and today I will tell you about one of the main mistakes. The main mistake is that we women are dreamers, we wishing for reality painting rosy pictures in our imagination. That is why often our hopes and expectations are fake, we attached to the one who did not enter into relations with us. The fear of loneliness compels us to enter into an unpromising relationship. We always feel what kind of man it is and whether he matches us, but we hope that, we will change him. Why do women dream and imagine something, rather than find information that is not enough, talk, find out what you want to know? Many people are afraid to do this. They are afraid to "frighten away". Go on dates, enter into a relationship ... And when to talk about the main. If a man says he is not ready for a serious relationship, do not think that he is shy or modest; he is just not in love and does not take you seriously. You do not need to think over your context, if a man says that he does not want to marry, than he does not want to get married. And what do we think? "I will try and he will." If he does not call, then he does not care about you, and not because he is busy or not able to call. Or if the man disappears, does not appear for weeks, practically does not show initiative for the development of relations, and we sit and wait, "he must have something happened, now he will sort things out and everything will be fine." Will it work out? Of course not. If he cancels meetings, is busy all the time, you rarely see him, then he is not interested in you. Do not justify it and mislead yourself. Sexual relationships also are not at the first place if he is serious. Especially if only sex is at the heart of your relationship. Do not rush with intimacy; give yourself and a man time to understand if he has interest in you other than sex? If you communicate for a long time, and a man does not tell you about his feelings, words of love, it means that he has no love for you, and not because he is afraid to admit and cannot find words.
It is also important to answer your questions honestly:
What place do I occupy in this man's life?
Is this really a serious relationship?
Did I invent them myself?
Does the man talk about the future?
Do you feel warmth, or some distance and cold?
If you understand, that a man does not love you, you do not need to try to deserve his love, to solicit, to demand, persistently trying to do something. Even if a man marries you (this also happens), nothing good will come of it. If you recently met a man, stop being naive, try to hear what the partner says to you, and not what you want to hear.
Men ALWAYS TELL THE TRUTH. Women prefer not to hear it.
Enter the relationship without illusions and fantasies. Then there will be no painful disappointments. Also, do not forget about your female dignity and do not allow using yourself.
With Love,
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