What is love? As for me , It's energy, trough which all living on the Earth get power of life... We can see these principles of love in the nature . In fact we are parts of which. But I think only love has creative force which is not egocentric. For instance the sun gives disinterestedly his energy to the ground which in its turn transmits the energy to various plants , vegetables and flowers that helps to live another beings.
As you can see all in nature is imregnated by desinterested love, which doesnt asks for return..... Woman posses among the people an inherent natural Force which can create but also to destroy....
Loving woman always is a motivate power for her man which always can find a strenght and courage for any action and sometimes he doesn't know how his life to change to positive side due to his woman!!!! The same is loving mother brings happy children up which since birth are filled by energy of love like the rest on our Earth. Unconditional love and desire to make one's nearest and dearest happy that's in fact natural energy whichwe have from birth. Thus when we live for others we are beome a happy , that's the way nature works.
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