Hello dear readers of my blog.
Thank you for your attention to my blog.
Interesting talk happened last week. I had a conversation with my friend and she told me about an article she read. It's called "Сomfortable wife". There were several points, so woman could understand if she is a comfortable wife. So I want to share them with you and to tell my opinion about that.
So, here they are:
*Woman is comfortable if she earns more money, than her man.
*If woman is the one, who does a first step to meet a man.
*If she proposed.
*If she does everything around the house without her man's help.
*If she gives him money for life.
And some others.
My friend found out that she is a comfortable wife and she is completely happy with that.
I must say, that I don't think that woman can be completely happy with her man, if she is a comfortable wife. I think that people should work on their relationships together. And I wouldn't like to be a comfortable wife. I want to be a support for my man, but not a
source of money.
Do you agree with me? Or you think that these points are too rough in a modern life?
I'm looking forward to your opinion.
Have a great week and be happy the way you are)
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