Hi to everyone who became interested by the headline of my blog! Despite of my young age I`ve seen enough people and events that made me who I am . Being a small girl, when I was 15 years old, I always wanted a Prince who will take me to his castle and who will sing a love song near my window. Well, I still love fairy tales, but reality is different. Now, when I am not a girl, but already a woman I realize that I want to see by my side simple man. Simple as I am. Have you ever thought that perfection is boring? I really think so! Perfect person will never surprise you, never teach you something , never add something new into your life and never.... exist .
Now I know one thing - we love people not because of something , but NO MATTER WHAT! It is easy to say " I want a man who will always be young , fit and handsome!" but.... Being honest , if person knows a way to your heart , you can forgive all the flaws. Just think - if man stay with you when you feel bad, if he feeds you with tasty cakes when you upset, when he supports your crazy ideas and laugh on your silly jokes.... Who cares if this person has some flaws? Do not look for perfect person, look for someone who can be YOURS. I can`t explain to you how you will recognize this person , but if after word YOURS someone came into your mind , please, take a good care of this person and never let him go. Why? Because often such imperfection became a person who will fix your broken and tired heart , and after all make everything right. Forget about perfection, be real!
I wish everyone true love !
with best wishes, Zhanna
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