Who among us was not struck by the arrow of Cupid at least once? I think the majority here were in love, suffered, cried, laughed and ascended to heaven. And such moments are the sweetest, the most historical for our life. Although sometimes such arrows in the heart bring real pain. But I'm not one of those people who remember grievances, suffer for years and blame the former schoolmate of high school for all the failures of the next 20 years. ). This is how the human heart is made, it turns into a simple muscle of the vessels without loving longing and sweet feelings. Everyone already had a story of great love, victory and disappointment, but life continues and we again look for the source of our inspiration and the object of our adoration.
I'm also looking for my love. Despite past failures and tears on the pillow - I'm an owl ready for Cupid to shoot me with his magic arrows). Into the heart and forever. First meetings, romantic dates, first confessions, wild flowers, poems on the balcony at 5 am, count minutes before the meeting and dream about the future at night, silly smile reading messages from a loved one - these are the emotions that are truly priceless. To meet such a special person, of course, the good fortune and the will of the heavens is needed. But it's also very important to be open and ready for something new. Do not look for shortcomings in a person and do not expect a trick. Starting with a clean slate and completely trusting is certainly not easy, but a new person in your life should not pay for the sins of past partners. Only harmony, faith in a happy future and trust in your partner will help you achieve true happiness. Look for love and learn to be loved. Let this Valentine's Day no one is alone and the distance between the continents is erased with the help of gentle words from your second half.
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