5 RULES FOR A SUCCESSFUL MEETING with Ukrainian girl and her family
id: 10034892
Hello dear man who reading this my blog)
I want to help you if you really have serious intentions on this site and you ready to meet with a girl and make acquaintance with her family))
I know 5 RULES FOR A SUCCESSFUL MEETING with girl and her family ! Are you ready to know????

So, the FIRST that you must know and never forget - when you come on the meeting with your lady and her family, and what do you think which things must to be in your hands ??? - YEAH.... right... it is FLOWERS.... because every girl like it and be happy get it from man and it means that a bouquet in your hands will "knock her down" and you will automatically become a hundred times more attractive than Brad Pitt !!! LOL ! Of course, her mom will appreciate it too)))))

THE SECOND rule - never drink alco... because they can think about you that you alcoholic... LOL)) and it is means that you will be suspect in the presence of serious diseases , and it will completely discredit you as a potential husband :)) LOL

THE THIRD rule - a presents ... Ukrainians are very fond of everything foreign . And a smallest souvenir with the inscription "made in the USA ", for example , would be a reason to brag to all the friends and acquaintances )))

THE FOURTH rule - no kisses and touches in the presence of parents .

Finally and the most importantly the FIFTH rule - don't forget to stay yourself , because the opened soul is the best way to earn the trust , respect and love ....

I HOPE that this will help to you and soon you will meet your beloved in real life.... ARE you READY for it??

With respect, Valeriya

P.S. if mine 5 rules helped to you ... give me to know about it)