Miracles are all over us..In our noisy rush modern life we don't notice simpliest things that in fact are miracles.We don't get happy when we see first flowers,we don't notice smile of kids,we cannot see life itself.I offer you to create your own small miracles-call on your mother,granny, or aunty,tell then how much you miss them.or even send flowers to them,talk to your father and recall how you fished together or special moments from your childhood-even more) go fishing together) like in your early years.Gather your family and close friends for dinner and just enjoy the minutes together.Notice eyes and smile of your children-when you spent time with them last?Make your own miracle-help your friend in need.Talk to your neighbor-Maybe you are the only person who talks to him.When you told compliment to any woman last?-Do it and you will create own miracle-you will make her a little happier.Bring coffee for your colleague at your office.Smile to unknown woman. Be the man-call to your ex beloved and tell her that you had spend wonderful time of your life with her.Feed hungry puppy,shelter the homeless kitten.Make this world a little bit kinder.
Miracles are all over us.I am Miracle! you are! You wake up and you breeth,you can love and hate,you can enjoy and acccept,you can neglect and denay,you can make your own choice,aren't all miracles?
You are able to love and make your beloved happy-so find her,create one more miracle in your life.Find your romance and enjoy it,create passion in your heart and go through the life path!Your Own way is your Miracle.Don't expect Miracle-Make Miracles!..
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