The question what love is old as the world. Both ordinary people and philosophers-thinkers for centuries asked themselves the same question and each had its own definition of the concept of love. For somebody, love was a reflection of passion, for somebody's poetic mercy the object of breath , but invariably, one-love has never been synonymous with indifference. The poets chanted love from a gentle romantic like the Great Petrarch to a rough one like Marquis De Sada, every scientist, every poet and writer, and each of us looked for, look for and will look for own formula of love. So what is this What is the secret of this state, when we forget about everything in the world, when the feeling of fulfillment which separates us from the inside forces our hearts to die and beat furiously at the same time? What attracts us in a person to which we experience feelings What causes love? The external beauty of a person, the way of beahaving and speaking, the level of intelligence, or can be the manner of dressing and the perfume that he or she uses? What is the essence of love? Maybe it's fluids and chemistry, according to scientific advocates; It can be a gift from the heavens and the Gods, according to unchanging romanticism; and maybe it's just a calculation? No one can give one answer, most likely there are so many explanations of love as many people in this world. In the continuation of millennia, men and women come and go from of this world and each of them has its own concept of love, And there is not one approved by all the values. For somebody's love is trust, for some it is passion and pleasure, for another it is an external contemplation. Love is one and forever, Love is short like a flash, Love makes us laugh and cry, rejoice and grieve, love gives pleasure and suffering; it gives a new life and causes to die; love calls us to fight and give up unconditionally; it is so diverse and multi-faceted, love is tender and rough, but never indifferent, whatever you have not picked up epithet-love can be such, but never! love is never indifferent! This is the only word that excludes the very concept of love! And what is love for you?
Waiting for your answer,Elena
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